The Ultimate Guide to Migrating a User on Linux: Ownership, Groups, Crontab, Config Files, and More

The Ultimate Guide to Migrating a User on Linux: Ownership, Groups, Crontab, Config Files, and More

I recently had a request to replace a user on the Linux server. This Linux user has a lot of files, folders and cronjobs that I need to move to the new user. This may sound like a simple task, but it's not. In this article I will show you the steps to make this change successful.

Let's get started!

Old user: OLDUSER
New user: NEWUSER

Replace the name before executing these commands!

  1. Before starting the process, make sure that the new user (NEWUSER) already exists on the system:
    id NEWUSER

  2. Log in as a root user.
    sudo su

  3. Move files from the OLDUSER user to NEWUSER, if there are any:
    mv /home/OLDUSER/* /home/NEWUSER/

    Note: Changing file and folder permissions later 

  4. Check which groups the OLDUSER user belongs to:
    groups OLDUSER

    If there are any (except those named OLDUSER), add the NEWUSER user to it/them:
    sudo usermod -a -G groupName NEWUSER

  5. Change the ownership of files and folders on the whole system from OLDUSER to NEWUSER:
    find / -user OLDUSER 2>/dev/null -exec chown NEWUSER {} \;
    find / -group OLDUSER 2>/dev/null -exec chown :NEWUSER {} \;

    Note: These commands search for all files and folders owned by OLDUSER, and then change the ownership to NEWUSER one by one.

  6. Check which process is running by OLDUSER user:
    ps -ef | grep OLDUSER

  7. Also check the systemd service files:
    grep -rli "OLDUSER" /etc/systemd /usr/local/lib /usr/lib/systemd 2>/dev/null

    After modifying at least one service file, reload the systemd daemon:
    systemctl daemon-reload

  8. Make sure the old user doesn't have any crontab entries. If there are, migrate them too.

    Check and print it out:
    crontab -l -u OLDUSER

    You can edit the crontab of NEWUSER with this command:
    crontab -e -u NEWUSER

    Or simply migrate the crontab with this command:
    mv /var/spool/cron/olduser /var/spool/cron/newuser
    service crond restart 

  9. Then check all crontab entries for the OLDUSER user by running the following command:
    grep -rli "OLDUSER" /etc/cron* 2>/dev/null

  10. Also check the OLDUSER user in the /etc directory:
    grep -rli "OLDUSER" /etc 2>/dev/null

    If there is a configuration file here that contains OLDUSER, replace it with NEWUSER one at a time.

  11. Reboot and see if everything that worked under OLDUSER works.


That's all.

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